Measure in motion

Stationary measurement with both tactile and optical systems can be very time consuming and prolongs procssing times unnecessarily.

ibs Automation has developed the function measure in motion allowing highly accurate measurement of geometries while in movement, resulting in processing time savings of up to 90%.

The key to this function is the open CNC structure. Point and profile sensors are integrated in the same way as the actual position measurement system of the machine. A CNC trigger ensures the synchronous capturing of sensor values and axis positions at the interpolation cycle rate. Geometries can be measured during movement with speeds of up to 13m/min and accuracies of ±50 µm. The measuring results are available for further processing in real time within the control system.

At a glance

  • highly accurate measurement while in motion
  • accuracy of ±50 µm
  • path velocity of up to 13m/min
  • real time availability of results within the NC-kernel
  • 2D and 3D geometries

Measure in motion with optical point sensors

The function measure in motion enables the control system to evaluate the position of the tool center point in relation to the component or geometry to be processed, while in motion.

The control system captures the axis positions together with the corresponding sensor values. This information is then available for further processing within the control system and can be used to compensate material or positioning tolerances before starting to process. Typical velocity allowing measurement with point sensors is 1-3 m/min with accuracies of ±100µm.

Measure in motion with optical profile sensors

Profile sensors generally have a sensor controller used to evaluate the position of geometrical characteristics within the sensor coordinate system. This pre evaluated measurement is then passed on to the control system, where it is again processed together with the corresponding axis positions and is then available for further processing as required. As a result, measuring speeds of up to 13 m/min can be achieved with accuracies of up to ±50µm.

Measurement results and errors can be visualized by means of the standard CNC-tools.